Monday, February 23, 2009

Today is a WONDERFUL day!!!

The day we met

A year ago today I met my wonderful Brian and it has been bliss ever SINCE. As i type bliss i wonder what the heck bliss is and if it is really even that great. Just for the record in the above line bliss means all things wonderful, great, happy, loving and AMAZING!!!

Kit photo by Morgan Tomlinson age 3!
23 years ago today my little sister Candice was BORN!! All I can remember was she was tiny and super pale!! Happy Birthday Kit- cloud- kicker!

Friday, February 20, 2009


I streched out the last book... I just didn't want it to end :(
I'm a Bella! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

To my fellow twilighters go and see who you are! I am not sure I would have picked Bella as myself but that is what I got!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Total Body Fitness

Last night I started "Total Body Toning" Boot Camp at Reid Park. I was so lucky that is was an easy class. Even though it was an easy night it was still a little intense for me. But heck this is why I started this whole mess, to get in shape and push myself! I go to class Monday and Wednesday nights.
Goodbye kangaroo pouch and hello bikini!!!!
I really liked it and my teacher is such a little cutie! She is a little work out maniac! Her website is, . I am thinking about joining her running group!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and they are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. Lack of B6 in a diet can cause weakness, irritability and insomnia. The potassium found in bananas helps to regulate blood pressure and may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Potassium is also essential for helping muscles to contract properly during exercise and reduces cramping up. A medium-sized banana provides 400 mg of potassium -11% of daily value- and contains 110 calories and 4 grams of fiber. Bananas also contain plenty of carbohydrates which are the body's main source of energy. They are also easy to digest.
Because of their great taste, they can also serve as a substitute for sweets and satisfy sugar cravings.
Researche also shows that serotonin and norepinephrine in bananas may naturally help sufferers overcome depression. They are the good mood food.
Convenience and nutritional value of bananas make them a good post-exercise snack. During long exercises
your body loses vitamins and minerals and a banana replaces these nutrients as well as giving you the energy you need.
SO... It is hard for me to eat this wonderful fruit but i do! Why is it hard for me to eat them you might ask? Well... the texture makes me wanna vomit. They have to be firm or I just can't do. Brown soft bananas are not welcome at my house. EAT EM---!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

We did IT!!!

We FINALLY went hiking and it was beautiful!!!!

Planting Bouganvillas

Lets just start this off with a couple of facts...
I am a first time home owner,
I use to live in the sticks (meaning dig as you please),
If roots are in the way just wack the crap out of them with a shovel.
With those out of the way lets start with my story...
Saturday looked like a beautiful day to do some home improvements. I called my ever faithful cousin, Mindy. I wanted to paint an ugly table set that I have rotting outside, pretty funky. That is why I needed Mindy, her brain is pretty helpful in the funky way! We got some fancy spray paint and found our way to the plant section of home depot. I have always wanted to plant some bougainvilleas in my front yard to add some color. I purchase two bougainvilleas.
When Brian got home I let him know that we had to plant the bougainvilleas I bought. DOOM... We got one one planet and were just about ready to plant the last one... We thought we needed to clear the hole just a little more.... BOMB... HISSSSSS WE HIT A GAS LINE!!!!

The fire department had to come and southwest gas,they worked into the night fixing our VERY costly mistake. We had to be evacuated from the house. I am going to take the firefighters some cookies per my dads promptings but I am going to add a little Lindsey spice to the thank you... In the basket along with the cookies will be GasX pills with a little note saying thank you for helping me with my gas problem!!!!

and she is off...

My little sister and her family have made there way from Oklahoma to Japan. Oh How I will miss her. It is so funny the other night I was looking through my journal. Yes that is right I have a journal... just one and I am 26 years old. I read a couple of entries to Brian. One I read was about how ANNOYING those darn little sisters can be.
But oh do I love those annoying little leaches. Its a funny thing when the roles reverse. I remember just wishing they would just GO AWAY and LEAVE ME ALONE. Now they are both away, far away. It makes me cry and wish for frequent flier miles.
It like that country song...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Well thanks Trace Adkins for coming out with this song NOW. I could have used it 22 years ago!!!

My sister, Grandpa and ME! I am SUPER lucky!

Arlee & I!!!