Wednesday, January 21, 2009

He Loves My Face Off??? :)

LOVE MAIL!!! (what a surprise!!!!)
Subject: I love your face off
Babe I am here at school before my math class has started and I am just thinking about how freaking great it is that you are in my life. I don't think I take the time to tell you how much I really do appreciate you but I do so much. I think you are great. Ahh of course the bell rings but just know that. i have to go, love you so much! =

Isn't he cute!!!

I love his face off, too!!

I don't need diamonds or pearls...

they are pretty

but love mall is way better!

1 comment:

Ala & Kevin said...

Too flipen cute. It's the little things that matter. That's my motto and I am sticking to it.