Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Fiesta Wedding Celebration

Brian & I got married in Las Vegas Nevada at the Little White Wedding Chapel, December 19th 2009. It was a somewhat last minute, so not many people got to see our actually wedding. With this being Brian's first marriage he really wanted something BIG. With this being my 2nd wedding the last thing I wanted was BIG. So what we decided was we would do a fun quick painless, stress less wedding in Vegas and we would have a celebration later on when we had more funds.
The wedding was amazing. I loved it and each day I love it more and more. I will post some pictures in a new post just of that day later...4 Months later we decided to have our CELEBRATION!!! April 3rd 2010. It was a little stressful but it all worked out. I thank everyone so so so much for all of your help and hard work.

1 comment:

TGS said...

I love the last picture of you guys!